
It influences it at the submitting dissolution time on the bill related to the supplemental spending bill and 27.
The government presents a supplemental spending bill and a related bill to the Diet on the 27th in fiscal year 2009, and aims at the approval at the early stage. However, if the Democratic Party prolongs the discussion in the maximum, approval including a related bill is postponed until the middle of July. The whereabouts of the correction discussion twines with the time of the House of Representatives dissolution and the general election that Prime Minister Taro Aso determines.
The supplemental spending bill ..discussion.. enters in the House of Representatives it after submitting the Diet ..dawning in May at Golden Week holidays.., and is expected to pass the House of Representatives along with a related bill in the middle of the same month. The speed of the discussion in the House of Councilors by which the Democratic Party seizes the initiative becomes a focus after this.