
Whenever you may call,you will find him at his desk.

What are you reading?It is natural that you should say so.Each has his opinion.Please tell me who he is.Do you know where he lives?

I want some albums.

Please show me some.I'msorry but I don't have any.A barking dog never bites.Yours is better than mine. She did it herself.

It cost five nundred yen.

IT is going to rain.Look at the baby sleeping in the crradle.New york state is almost as large as greece.

While having breakfast ,we talked about the plan.

The hikers,feeling tired ,took arest in the shade.Oh,what a happy news.We kept the fire burning.

I had my purse stolen.

Wash your hands before having lunch.He was about to start.I don't know for certain.Go where you like.Come whenever you like.

It rained very hard last night.

Tokyo is the capital of Japan.He always comes to school by bus.If it rains tomorrow,I won't go on a picnic.Please tell me when he will arrive here.Don't carry more money than you need.

Sailing a boat makes us.

Why don7t you go and have a check up.IT rained hard yesterday.I need to get the car serviced.

Butter is made from milk.

He dare not answer.They dared not come.Even if you don't like it,you must do it.

However fast you run ,you won’t be in time.

Ok if I use your telephone.I don't know how to spell the word.I want her to do the difficult work.

Louis was able to solve the problem.

You may use my dictionary.It 's getting cloudy .It may rain soon.It might rain before evening.Rome was not built ina day.I'll come back someday.

Do tell me the truth.

It will do except that it is too dear.He walked by me without noticing me.We took a rest under the tree.A lamp was hanging over the table.

I7ll come back someday.

Give me another cup of coffee.Who told you that story.What happened to him?She did come.Little do I remember the place.This is the town where he was born.

He alone agreed with me on this point.

Obviously he did not want to accept my offer of help.I was late simply because I wanted to be late.It is a good thing to read a few books well and know them thoroughly.He is still sitting on the bench.The hotel stands by the lake.The peak …

Last night I called you twiice.

He was asked to give an account ,read a paper.Never judge a person by his appearance.The road winds among the hills.So far every thing has been going well.Please accept this souvenir.

We went up step by step.

He is still sitting on the bench.There is a world map on the wall.There 's something on the ceiling.We took a rest under the tree.The fruit dropped from the tree.

I wrotehim a long lettr ,to which he wrote no reply.

Look at the baby sleeping in the cradle.The door remained closed.A dinner will be given next saturday.Could I ask you to help us.

Sailing a boat makes us happy.

WE named the boat.I found the river dirty.We elected her chairperson.I made him go there at once.I her\ard the news on the radio.

Thoughts are expressed by means of words.

We learned French instead of English.If it had not been for your help ,he would have been ruined.He is much the most diligent of them all.I don't know what he is talking about. He has just arrived at the New tokyo International airport.

She seems to know something important.

If you are to succeed ,you must work much harder.It will not be long before we meet again.How would you like your steak.Antique mall ginzaTeshnically ,this is not a flea market,but rather three floors of antique shops in one building onthe…

It is effective in stopping fires.

He dropped the book just as he rose.The door bell is ringing .I will go and who itis.I wonder if this rumor is true.

origami kaikan

origami kaikan translated into paper.here shooper will not only find the finest in japanese paper crafts both finished products and raw materials .on the way upstairs ,stick your head in the second floor to see what the most recent classes…

She will be back within a week.

We have a long way to go.We must get over this difficulty.Try to make good use of your time.It is bad manners to stare at people.We waited for half an hour.I walked and walked,till I saw a light in the distance.Do you know any swimology?It…