
He seems to have missed the point.

SHe usually wears jeans.The door is closing.I'll hate him as lomg as I live.

We must strain every nerve to do it.

Recently that opinion often appears in newspaper.A frog was jumping about.The building burst into flames.

The plane was on the point of taking off.

Now isthe time when we need him most.A new town is beyond the lake.They respected and even obeyed him.

what did you see on the desk?

It was a most beautiful morning.He is very clever.I will do it if it benefits me.I will do it if it kills me.Do this work by the end of January.

I’ll come back in a day or two.

What are you looking for?You don't like it ,do you?How careful he is

You ought to be in time if you start now.

It may have rained during the night.They did not wish to go any farther.I don't know how to spell the word.

I have lived here since I was a boy.

I've been to the supermarket.The snow is melted.Look at the house whose roof is red.

I will write to you as soon as I arrive in paris.

Each has his opinion.Either will do.I have read both these books.They dared not come.Has the bell rung yet?

Pineapple Express At one’s journey ’s end

The sun was shining an all his glory.Switzerland is famous for its scenic beauty.We had much snow last year.

There is no rule that has no exception.

I had never seen a giraaffe till I visited the zoo.You are late home .What have you been doing.I'mgoing to take a long holiday.

There was a cold wind blowing from the north.

Whether or not you agree,I am going to take this risk.How would you like your steak.YOu had better see a docter.

He talks as if he knew nothing about it.

If it were not for air,we could not live.There is no one but knows the law.Will you have some wine?

He often takes walk alone.

You can do it with ease.I bought a pair of scissors.you ought to thank me.

I wonder if this rumor is true.

You may use my dictionary.Not knowing what to do,I telephoned the police.This road will lead you to the airport. This bag is both and inexpensive.

We named the boat the half moon.

There are American parents who give their kids a lot of pocket money, others give them only a little.Young children get at least enough to buy candy , but allowance vary considerably:some can buy records and clothes and go to movies,while …

Not knowing what to do,I telephoned the police.

Ok if I use your telephone.Some say this,and some say that.He said he had no time,which isn't true.

It is a good idea to read this book.

Is it easy for you to answer the question?It is very kind of you to help me.It was stupid of me to believe that.While having breakfast ,we talked about tha plan.Not knowing what to do,I telephoned the police.