
WHat made the matter worse,it began yo rain.

Who is there but knows it?YOu are to obey the rules.Where there is a will, there is a way.

The word has several meanings.

Don'T carry more money than you need.I am glad that you have helped me.HOW would you like your steak?

When did you see him?

I was hit on asore spot.This is just a hypothesis.He broke the ice.Let's change the topic.

I’ve gotten into a rut.

I've had it with this job.Why don't we accept the fact?We missed the chance.We resolved the problem.

It’s a risky business.

It's bhoopia.I consulted a dictionary.We went bar hopping.

Take abreak and replenish your soul.

YOu are worth it.This lake is deepest here.Will you please shut the window?He could do it if he tried.

It might rain before evening.

Could I ask you to help us.Such a thing cannot be found everywhere. Wine is made from grapes.I looked about me.I wonder if this rumor is true.

The temperature fell below zero.

This is just the first step.He walked slowly for the child to follow.A new town is beyond the lake.I am glad that you have helped me.

We built a log cabin.

The ceiling islow.Mow the lawn.We live in asecular society.I came up with a good idea.

How do you like your steak?

I hve a boiled egg for breakfast every day.HAdn't you better take arest.I can't follow suit.Iwant to speak.

This is just the initial step.

The bell has not rung yet.Give thebook to whoever wants it.Whoever may say so ,it is wrong.Please give me something hot to drink.I will come by any means.

It will take the pressure off.

Show me the statement.Get it back on track.Talk straight.To the point ,please.We prolonged our stay.

I took an aptitude test.

I like scallops.I'll have a regular.He is cooperative.Iwish your happiness.We can rely upon him.The balloon was floating above our heads.

I put the plants in the sun.

Horses eat grass.Mow the lawn.He is an assertive man.It was a cleche.It has universal value.

You have said it well.

It will take the pressure off.Prepare yourself for a fuss.Do as you are told to.I remember seeing him somewhere.This watch wants mending.

We went bar hopping.

It's just the tip of the ice berg.Don't let the chance pass by.The situation has changed.We are at a crossroad.Our survival is at stake.

I will come by any means.

I can't follow suit.What is your title.Our research bore fruit.

What is the trouble?

I took an aptitude test.He is my cleent.He is good customer.It's good for consumer.We broke off the contract.You misunderstood what I said.

After all , she is right.

We are in the majority.He save the day.We took a vote on it.It's an exaggeration.

Why don’t we accept tha fact?

It may rain tomorrow.butter is made from milk.The door will not open.

Please help yourself to the coffee.

His speech was pointless.I give you the floor.The deal went well.She made use of him.

Our research bore fruit.

He is my client.Hisopinion is logical.We live in a secular society.

HAve you read today’s paper yet?

Keep on your toes.We negotiated with him.The deal went well.YOu don't need to do it.

Please remember to post this letter.

I am hungry.Give me something to eat.I know that he is honest.Iwill keep my promise.

He is cooperative.

What's the point.The trunk is big.How do you do?We walked through the park.Butter is made from milk.

I can’t follow suit.

we are flexible.he is my client.I 'll do it.We produced a deficit.

We have his approval.

His opinion is logical.What is your opinion?Our research bore fruit.Don't eat while reading.

The door is closing.

It is doubtful if he can do it.Each has his opinion.Who knows that?

You don’t like it ,do you?

I did all I could.It's too much for him.Don't tell anybody about this.I've gotten into arut.This is the budget for this year.

He lives in the country ,not in the city.

I am not sure of it.It's a good buy.Will you come to the meeting.Would you please pass me the salt?