ドコモ 純減 

Sun 7, NTT DoCoMo has revealed that the number of mobile phone subscribers in November were down net for the first time in March over five years. Net subtrahend by subtracting the number of cancellations from the number of new contracts is approximately 40,000. Starting in 1996, the Telecommunications Carriers Association began the announcement of the number of contracts, it is the largest decline as DoCoMo.

Such that it does not only deal with the three major influences, has accelerated the outflow of the user "(iPhone) 5 iPhone" of Apple Inc., which was released in September this year. Future, may be forced to consider a full-fledged iPhone also handling DoCoMo.

DoCoMo became a net decrease in the third time since 1996. This was a maximum of up to 22 900 in August 2007.

On the other hand, believed the number was about 300,000 net additions in November Softbank led consecutive 11 months. (Au) It seems it was a net increase of about 200,000 KDDI.