iPad の秘密とは

Electronic devices and parts market research firm, IHS iSuppli U.S. local time on March 16, 2012, announced the results of cost analysis was to investigate the actual decomposition of the "iPad" Apple's new rice. According to it, 32G-byte model has a suggested retail price of $ 729 is LTE-enabled version, BOM: at $ 364.35, cost of parts based on the (Bill of Material BOM), $ 375.10 and will include the cost of manufacturing.

In other words, the cost component of iPad new accounts for almost 50 percent of the sales price, up 9 percent compared with the cost components (32G-byte model version of 3G), and $ 335 iPad 2 of the previous model was released at the same price have. The main cause was to raise the cost of parts, the company has been analyzing "Retina" display enhanced, corresponding LTE, and that the resolution capacity of the battery.

The most expensive parts in the display model in the 32G-byte version for LTE, its estimated cost is $ 87. Have accounted for 24% of the total parts. IHS iSuppli display of actual supplier was degraded was Samsung Electronics South Korea.

The next highest cost estimate and it is $ 41.50, accounting for 11.4% of the total parts in the parts related to LTE. IHS iSuppli pointed out that had risen significantly from $ 25.60 at cost of some parts of 3G communication iPad 2. The company estimates that $ 32 $ 23 each and there, is A5X processor cost $ 40, the battery cost of touch screen also.

In addition to Samsung's display, we supply and the processor in this A5X In addition, the percentage of total parts cost of its products will be 30.2%. The actual IHS iSuppli was degraded, but is not turned NAND-type flash memory of Toshiba, that has become a supplier of NAND flash memory is also Samsung, percentage of total cost parts of the Samsung product in which case 39.4 % become. Believes that while "Checking has not been taken yet," and IHS iSuppli further, and are supplying the battery cell is Samsung, the percentage of parts made by Samsung accounted for iPad new model is almost 50% If it is correct to expect that if have become.