
Popular model Yuri Ebihara (30) is dating hip hop in "RIP SLYME" The ILMARI (Ilmari Keisuke Ogihara born = 35) were married on May 9 and it revealed. Ebihara through the office belongs, announced in a handwritten. Timing of marriage have submitted undisclosed. The pregnancy has not been Ebihara, work will continue in the future. The two we started dating in April last year, the company had declared in June Ebihara. Will only lead to a wedding in the church family and close friends near Paris, France in June.
"You'll be dating since last spring, private work including, in many ways to support Itadakimashita. In my life, there is very important." Paying homage to her husband, Ebihara the nuptials. Hot couple is dating and finished in just one year.
According to officials, the two met in 2008 autumn. Fans were originally ILMARI Ebihara, but did you invited them to dinner Ebihara were held with colleagues.

Maho Nonami ILMARI the model had been dating for about five years in March 2003 (29) and catastrophe. Ebihara and began dating in earnest in April shortly after. In May, a photograph caught her magazines dating Miyazaki Aoshima shrine known as the hometown of marriage Ebihara. In that case, the couple has been accompanied mother and twin sister Eri Ebihara, seems aware of what was already married.
The most popular brand in June, "Samantha Thavasa" event "will be and they are friends. Get married? Hopefully is good," he announced, and dating. Married but undisclosed period, the district office that filed the marriage of two aligned Tokyo.
"Now two people with mutual support, I think we want to build a loving home too! Partner of my life and I believe that we have appreciated the warmth and attention." Ebihara has been living in Tokyo and just before the couple married Eri, now holding a new house and lives ILMARI.
But yet the reception, the opening ceremony in Paris in June, Ebihara side is that local relatives and friends have attended. Ebihara is working on the design of wedding dress and bridal's best, will wear costumes designed by himself.
The future for procreation, and Eri's twin sister, "giving birth around the same time, I want the same grade," and you are talking to. With respect to work around "to keep the model in life:" Yes he said.