
Deputy Minister of the Cabinet Office Ootsuka Kouhei 21, appeared in a TV Asahi program, for future consumption tax hike, "10% should be worked out somewhere in the middle of the bed," and requires 13-14% and the nuclear standoff.

After the show Otsuka Vice Minister, told reporters "(consumption tax), so good early 出Seru effects of consumption will increase progressively better, but some would suggest, I think that double digits," said .

Over the consumption tax hike, the finance ministers and Deputy Prime Minister Naoto Kan, "Hatoyama said the government's basic policy of not raise it until the next election," and while, on the consumption tax, "the three full-fledged debate starting in May "We are clearly a policy. In addition to the natural increase in social security payments, child allowance and manifest (pledges) to achieve major policy shown in the background in the inevitable expansion of government spending.

The government's Tax Commission, set up two expert committees of experts in January, the debate on raising the consumption tax is expected to accelerate to 4 or later.

Deputy Minister Otsuka 7 on whether to include the prospect of raising the consumption tax in the upper house election manifesto of the month, "depending on future discussions," he said.

Otsuka Deputy Minister, as by the Cabinet Office, has been involved in the discussion of the general government fiscal and monetary economy.