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Kyushu Electric Power Co. Genkai nuclear power plant has begun to re-use MOX fuel the nation's first No. 3 reactor spent nuclear fuel (Genkai Town, Saga Prefecture) and the MOX fuel is likely that 5-6 lead to 1:00 after the blank period was 24, knew Ta. Kyodo News said in an interview the day before official power.

Behind the initial operation, such as spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho-mura in Aomori Prefecture, driving test, for use in MOX fuel plutonium-uranium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel for supply could ceased. It's kind of a symbol of the current situation of inadequate preparation in pluthermal sailed.

9 is electrical Nov. 2, MOX fuel body 装Ten Genkai, 16 full-scale MOX fuel production at the No. 3. 24 days were added to production in France announced that it has completed the body 20. 20 body was transported to the Genkai nuclear power plant next year, and then expected to 装Ten.

The fuel used in nuclear reactors is usually about three years. Given that new 装Ten periodic inspection period 2014-15 to around 20 body is calculated and used later this year. The rest is, nine separate power, the plutonium is held in the UK plans to produce MOX fuel MOX and the country's influence is not running as planned fuel plant, or receive uninterrupted fuel is uncertain