
"Capitalism" that he is. "The stage is 100 years of the degree of the financial crisis shaking the United States. Despite the financial relief that the crisis was caused by themselves. The scathing criticism of the situation" (narration). Moore in the movie Wall Street, standing in front of the building "has been made a crime in this building," you yelled.

"The 20 most important thing was lost in the U.S.?" When asked, "We lost a lot of courage.'ve Been preoccupied and anxious. Do not be deprived of something, the job or losing, and. Some people, try and take care of their own, someone to interfere. rift between people of different way, we lost the norms of society, "he said.
Complete the compilation "we are tired. Once, I think a break" in an interview and was told, according to the Kuniya, the Afghan President is about 3 to hear that an army of thousands of additional troops, the president addressed immediately Write a letter demanding and express opposition to put your blog, it showed an inherent ability to take action.

From Kunitani "There is not not hate America?" Moore was asked, "I am very sad.'s A great country called America, are deeply saddened by what is happening. Had always been going well but, what happened is that here? remaining 1% of people who took a lot from the people, get screwed. such arrogance is rife "and" capitalism is evil. worst The point is that the priority of human life than the money, "he said.
"Documentalist the rebellious" (narration) is a second one filled with hope that the United States, the era was shining, and raised benefited the prosperity of the automotive industry. Grandfather was one of the companies employees with his car. Strain may be overlooked in American society has increased.
"Loss of social norms"

Kuniya is "not too distant future, the idea of making films to get the megaphone again. Curiosity, could not help but feel it is critical spirit in the face," he concluded.
"Capitalism" and say in what products and trailers, or without looking at the 本編 I was feeling that. Moore wants to see and hope for the film might be surprising.