
空威張り bluster
専門家 expert
戦慄 shudder
繁栄する thrive
溶ける melt
とどまる abide
老練 experienced
ゆれる shake
にがにがしい unpleasant

An economic activity adopted the joint statement assumed to start recovering by the end of 2009 as the advanced level seven-country Finance Minister and central banker conference (G7) were held in Washington on the afternoon (before dawn of the 25th in Japan standard time) of the 24th, and an economic prospect continued though it was weak. A bright symptom of the world economy was referred for the first time since the finance crisis.

The statement emphasized becoming duller the deterioration pace of the advanced country economy in a recent economic indicator, and appearing of the symptom of stabilization. The downside risk confirmed it was assumed that it continued, and took "All actions" cooperatively in an increasing public spending for the relapse prevention of the recovery of the employment that agreed in a financial summit in London and growth and crises and steady finance it at the same time.

Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano had a press conference after G7 and showed recognition with "The world economy might have escaped from the worst period".

The statement supports the expansion of the capital scale by International Monetary Fund (IMF) reform for the developing country support. 20 countries, regions (G20) including the rising nation in China etc. , and posture in which it kept step were shown for the reinforcement of the capital base.

A new barrier was not installed in the trade, and the idea of opposing gaining power protected trade was shown.

The decision to execute the mutual agreement of the summit promptly is declared in strengthening the financial regulation. It was shown again to make all the organizations, markets, and commodities the object of the restriction.