
Prime Minister [apishitto] in Thailand received the concentration of former Prime Minister Thaksin faction demonstrators who requested the current government to retire on the 12th on capital Bangkok, and declared a state of emergency.

A series of conference such as Association of South East Asian Nations and Japan, China and South Korea (ASEAN plus Three) summits in Pattaya in Thai central part was situations driven in to discontinuance by the job action of an antigovernment sect the day before.

After declaring victory in Pattaya, antigovernment demonstrators who put on a red shirt concentrate on capital Bangkok. Demonstrators who gathered swelled up to about 40,000 people.

When Home office is surrounded on the 12th, and Prime Minister [apishitto] goes out of the building of Home office, the car that the Prime Minister took is attacked. The car that took the Prime Minister ran away safely though the car was attacked with the stick etc.

Former Prime Minister Thaksin who had been contacting the supporter by telephone since the defection destination showed the posture that returned home at once if it was described, "It was a perfect chance" that only now had to confront the government, called "Revolution by the people", and the coup d'etat occurred and was the spearhead on the 12th.

The coup d'etat has occurred 18 times in Thailand since 1932, and it becomes a bloodshed situation this time and the generation of the coup d'etat also has the view of not being avoided.

On the other hand, Prime Minister [apishitto] does the televised address to (1700GMT) at midnight of local time. 「The government and the public peace organization are still integral. I am conferring with the commander of all armies now. 」It described, and it ..remission of the anxiety with the military coup.. tried. Afterwards, the camera projected the appearances of commanders of fighting services.

At present, there is no report that it began to move toward demonstrators though it was disposed to the city of receiving the demonstrators' concentrations the armored vehicle. On the other hand, some demonstrators got spectacles of the destruction of a part of two armored vehicles disposed to the vicinity of the police station, the climb on the body, and the dance, etc. seen.

The riot police of about 300 people is disposed to the vicinity of the Prime Minister prefecture left from places that demonstrators are concentrating by about 200 meters, and the feud continues. The journalist of Reuters witnesses 100 Molotov cocktail or more preparation of demonstrators concluded to the vicinity of the Prime Minister. Moreover, it is said that the mask will have been distributed in preparation for the case where teargas is used.

An antigovernment sect that supports former Prime Minister Thaksin is the one and insists due to the defect of the assembly that the army substantially rules to being able the assumption of Prime Minister [apishitto] last December to the Prime Minister. The execution of the election is demanded.